Monday, 19 September 2016

The Man in the Rabbit Mask

For those of you who don't know with Ready to Burst coming to completion (we had an amazing wrap party/private screening recently) I've already started work on my next directing project, The Man in the Rabbit Mask. Akuma Films is producing this and we're seeking funding through the Storyhive pitch program so we can make this the best film possible.

Our film takes place in Miranda Falls during the 90s where two preteen girls play a deadly game during their sleepover. They summon the demonic entity Mr. Rabbity who has some sinister plans for these girls. Our cast includes Holly Burr and Iris Truong as the ill fated girls, Katherine Slingsby as an exasperated mother and Chris Walters as the man behind the rabbit mask. You can vote for us on Storyhive here once a day until noon Sept. 23rd.
You can also find us on Facebook here and on Twitter here.