Monday, 25 May 2015

The Creepshow... Show

Earlier this month an opportunity to see a band I've recently started listening to cropped up, so I decided to seize it. It's all thanks to my buddy Topher that I got into psychobilly music and right now The Creepshow is one of my two favourite bands in the genre (the other being Kitty in a Casket). As a part of their 10 year anniversary tour the group came to Funky Winkerbeans here in Vancouver. They brought with them four opening acts the first of which (Lust Luck) amazed the audience not only by climbing all over their stand up bass as it was played, but also setting it on fire! Nothing makes for a better show than a little fire that's for sure.

Now when The Creepshow finally took the stage with current lead singer Kenda nothing could contain my excitement. At the show I got to hear not only some of my favourite tunes like The Devil's Son and Demon Lover (which I ended up wholeheartedly singing along to), but also some songs I was unfamiliar with and plan on investigating further. The band was full of energy pumping up the audience and putting on an excellent show. The next day my neck was very sore as a result of my head banging ways and even the people I dragged along who'd never heard the band before had an awesome time.

If this band from Ontario ever comes to your town I highly recommend checking them out. As someone who doesn't go to live music very often seeing them urges me want to make a habit of going to shows more often. If you want to check out some of their music you can click here.

I leave you with the music video for The Devil's Son

Friday, 8 May 2015

Where Have I Been These Past Few Months

For those who read my blog on a regular basis you may have been wondering that. Well I'm here to answer that (and trying to write posts more frequently).